The Amazing Adventures of Tom and Bel

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Little Things

Still making my way out from underneath the avalanche of boxes which accompanies our move. After a frustrating week of getting repairs scheduled/done, unpacking only to find more to unpack, and weird vacation days for the kids, I wanted to feel like I'd accomplished something.
So I tackled the thing which had been annoying me all out of proportion to its importance:

Oh yes, friends, the dreaded 80's fug is alive and well. (Unbelievably, you can still purchase these same handles.) I had thought about replacing the doors, but decided that the cabs just weren't worth the investment. So I went for a subtler improvement:

My clever spouse picked these out --and, of course, the fancy new drill we used to install many of 'em (I did many by hand, but got tired).

More -- and better! -- pics to come of the house proper, which Boy-O and I have dubbed Colonial One (mostly 'cause we're BSG fans, but also because looking at this house from outer space is about the only way it could honestly be called a Colonial).


Sunday, November 01, 2009

Homeward Bound

And I'm back, just for a moment, to say hello to the blogosphere, especially to the nice folks who've come by from the Twist blog. Thanks so much for stopping by and I do hope you'll come again.
Posting will be much easier and more frequent in the days to come, as I've finally finished the big project I'd hinted about: we bought our first house!

Z enjoying both her new kitchen and Mama's shoes! Wow, that kid can multi-task.

That's right, kids, the Family Boy-O has moved on up to our version of the deluxe apt in the sky (which is more like a 4bd/2ba 2 story, but whatever).

Despite the mass of boxes and crates and cables and the temporarily lost dog (Tom & Bel was just Bel for *several* days!) and the dying washing machine and the astonishing number of repair-type projects to be done --and the *endless* hours spent waiting for contractors to show up (who knew "between 11 and noon" meant 1:30?), we are all supremely happy with the new digs. We've got much more room to roam, better access to the sorts of stuff we like to do and are pleased as punch with our new 'hood.
More later...just now I've got to rescue Boy-O from the tot!

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