The Amazing Adventures of Tom and Bel

Saturday, October 02, 2010

The Talented Mr. Flood

Sometimes, if you are very patient, the universe will send you just the thing you need when you need it.
That's what happened when I met my husband, that's what happened when I got in to law school (which I am loving, BTW -- every single cracked-out, stress crazed moment of it), and I'm pretty sure it just happened in my knitting life, too.

I've been looking for a tweedy little something to swatch with -- I have an idea that's practically burning a hole in my brain, I want to knit it so badly -- and here comes Shelter, by Brooklyn Tweed AKA Jared Flood. I love his beautifully lit, atmospheric photos and clever designs. I am already in love with Shelter, too.

Hmmm...whose weekend plans suddenly include a lot more cups of tea and rolling around nekkid in playing with some yarn?



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