The Amazing Adventures of Tom and Bel

Monday, February 26, 2007

Open Mouth, Insert Foot

So I spoke too soon (I know, I know: y'all are just shocked). I was sure the DomiKNITrix Knit-A-Long was nowhere near ready to start, but the pattern is totally ready (the day after I so confidently signed up for the Create Along. Whoops!).

BTW, I highly recommend this book - there are some truly awesome designs happening there and a distinct, clever sensibility. I don't always agree, but I can appreciate the thoughtfulness behind her choices. I get the feeling it'd be great to have a beer with her and shoot the sh... er, chew the fat. (My MIL reads this blog. I should at least pretend I don't actually talk like that, n'est pas?)

My saving grace is that I had to order my yarn, so I have some time before I start working on this (gulp) nineteen page pattern. I think I've got my work cut out for me with this one - and I so can't wait!



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